6th IEEE International Conference on BioInspired Processing, BIP 2024

Steering Committee

The BIP Steering Committee is made up of representatives from each of Costa Rica's public universities, and they are active members of IEEE.


Among other related tasks, the Steering Committee is in charge of:


• Reviewing, approving or modifying the key terms that define the scientific character of the conference.

• Ratifying the different organizing committees for each edition of BIP.

• Acting as governing body and director of the conference in all those matters that are not specific to each particular edition.

• Analyzing, validating or rejecting the celebration of BIP editions outside of Costa Rica, and/or in cooperation with third parties, and/or the joint or dependent celebration of BIP with other conferences or events of scientific interest.

• Acting as decision-making body in case of differences of criteria, appeals or any other problem that may occur

• Any other administrative or decisive matters of the Conference that do not correspond to the Committees of particular editions, or that require the participation of the Steering Committee

Institutional Representatives

Stefany Solano González PhD UNA Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Laboratorio de Bioinformática Aplicada

Esteban Meneses PhD CeNAT Colaboratorio Nacional de Computación Avanzada

Andrés Segura Castillo M.Sc. UNED Laboratorio de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica 

Esteban Arias-Méndez M.Sc. IEEE Sección Costa Rica

Cindy Jiménez Picado M.Sc. UNED Laboratorio de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica 

Marvin Coto Jiménez PhD UCR Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Carlos Gamboa Venegas M.Sc. CeNAT Colaboratorio Nacional de Computación Avanzada

Saul Calderon Ramirez PhD TEC Escuela de Computacion